By David Keene
To serve all AV & IT pros, and also Higher Ed professionals, in the new remote-working, remote-collaboration landscape, digiDaybook is creating a database of usage trends and specific solutions, to share with all. The first step is this Survey – that will define, and share data around the best, most popular, most effective collaboration tech stacks. What specific enterprise, team, and/or video collaboration solutions are people using, now, to better collaborate in today’s fast-changing business and campus environments.
We’re addressing collaboration AV and/or IT technology end users, IT or AV managers, providers, and suppliers – in corporate enterprise and also in higher education. Click here to take the Survey.
We are seeking to uncover the trends – and share the results with you after the Survey – on what UCC solution packages are being used, to do robust, network secure, results-oriented Collaboration. In other words, we’re looking for tech stack preferences, not just a quick Zoom meeting on some laptops (but if the latter is all you’re doing, do indicate that, it’s important info.)
We will gain insight for the industry, and will share directly with Survey respondents: preferences and trends for tech stacks for collaboration rooms, huddle rooms, teaching spaces, etc – all the trends, but with a focus on curated packages beyond simple tools or random cobbling together of legacy tools inherited from others. For collaboration, what tech stacks are being chosen, and are working best? And why. Survey respondents will learn from the other respondents on what works best, when, where, and why.
Please fill out this simple survey, and click “submit” at the bottom of the page. By submitting, you will get access to survey results and access to a spreadsheet and Report detailing collaboration solution bundles and options, with data useful in your mission of facilitating collaboration.
If you’re reading this, keep in mind – all your years of hard work have prepared you to be ready for this challenge, unprecedented in any of our professional lives. You’re reading this for a reason – you’re working hard to help. Thank you for that. Your skills and hard work will be invaluable to all.
Market Trends – Gensler Spotlight
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