Remember when the pro AV side saw big innovations first, for displays, and then those innovations drifted over to consumers? That was then, this is now. The big display makers – Sony, Samsung, LG, and a few more, now put huge R&D and marketing into consumer, and that then filters over to digital signage and other public displays and to broadcast industry tools.
CES is of course, now the trade show where the latest consumer products are shown. Last month, CES was not as spectacular or as huge as normal, but that did not stop the big guys from rolling out new stuff. More OLED? Of course. And now, QD-OLED.
As Geoffrey Morrison explores on CES review article on CNET.com –
“Right now there are two technologies most TV buyers can actually afford: LCD and OLED. LCD TVs are sometimes called “LED TVs” due to the tiny LEDs they use to create light. The image is created by a liquid crystal layer, just like LCD TVs from 20-plus years ago. Mini-LED TVs operate the same way, just with more LEDs in their backlights, while QLED TVs are basically LED LCD TVs with quantum dots.
OLED is a newer technology. Each pixel emits its own light, created by a substance that glows when you give it energy. This substance includes the element carbon, hence the “organic” moniker. Since they’re able to turn individual pixels off, so a perfect black, their contrast ratio and overall picture quality is typically better than any LCD….”
Read the full article from Morrison – and his deep dive into Sony and Samsung in particular – in his excellent article here.
Market Trends – Gensler Spotlight
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