The Digital Signage Federation and the Digital Signage Expo are once again partnering with the Digital Signage Experts Group (DSEG) to bring comprehensive live certifications to Digital Signage Expo 2020 in Las Vegas. These courses are designed to educate attendees thoroughly, from the fundamentals, to in-depth technical training, covering critical areas of digital signage. To register, click here.
The courses to be offered by DSEG at DSE are:
Tuesday – Mar 31, 2020| 9:00 am – 5:00 pm:
Digital Signage Certified Expert (DSCE) Program
Jonathan Brawn, Principal, Brawn Consulting
The Digital Signage Certified Expert program provides a full understanding of all the elements of digital signage and the interconnected technologies that produce the images seen on screen. Digital signage is the fastest growing segment of the commercial AV, content creation and advertising industries. It appears quite simple at first glance, but it eventually becomes a tangled web of interconnected technologies acting together to produce the images seen on screen. The challenge is one of immersion and full understanding of all the digital signage elements.
Digital Signage Content & Media Expert (DCME)
Alan Brawn, Principal, Brawn Consulting
One of the most important yet misunderstood of the 7 Key Elements of Digital Signage/Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) that go into every project and network is content. The Digital Signage Experts Group (DSEG) has therefore created the Digital Signage Content and Media Expert (DCME) certification, which is designed to lift the level of understanding of content and media far beyond the obvious limitations of “conventional wisdom” and provide the details and in-depth understanding of the major parameters affecting this critical area.
Friday – Apr 3 | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm:
Digital Signage Network Expert (DSNE) Program
Jonathan Brawn, Principal, Brawn Consulting
The Digital Signage Network Expert program provides a full understanding of the complexities of what lies underneath the surface of the screen and represents the heart, brain and soul of a network.
Digital Signage Sales Professional (DSSP)
Alan Brawn, Principal, Brawn Consulting
The Digital Signage Sales Professional (DSSP) program delves into how to properly present the Why, How and What of digital signage to end users. The Digital Signage Experts Group (DSEG) is expanding the professional certifications for the digital signage industry into a critical segment – sales. The program begins with the individual salesperson, and their personal characteristics leading to success. It then focuses on the basic question of ‘Why?’ Why should I sell digital signage, and why should you buy digital signage? The DSSP synthesizes the messages and methods of the top sales methodologies of the last decade and applies them specifically to digital signage.
About Digital Signage Expert Group (DSEG)
The mission of DSEG is to advance professionalism within the digital signage industry by establishing certification standards and providing impartial, agnostic, and vendor neutral professional education. Under the direction of an advisory board of recognized industry experts, and in cooperation with manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, designers, integrators, and operators, DSEG works within the industry, the creative community, and with end users to advance best practices for the digital signage industry. For information: http://www.dseg.org
For more information, contact
Alan Brawn, Principal
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